par Gontier, Quentin ;Tsigros, Christo;Horlin, François ;Wiart, Joe JW;Oestges, Claude ;De Doncker, Philippe
Référence (08-11 February, 2022: Bologna, Italy), Proc. of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EURO-COST CA20120 TD(22)0174)
Publication Publié, 2022-02
Référence (08-11 February, 2022: Bologna, Italy), Proc. of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EURO-COST CA20120 TD(22)0174)
Publication Publié, 2022-02
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | Stochastic geometry is a highly studied fieldin telecommunications as in many other scientific fields.In the last ten years in particular, theoretical knowledgehas evolved a lot, whether for the calculation of metricsto characterize interference, coverage, energy or spectralefficiency, or exposure to electromagnetic fields. Manyspatial point process models have been developed but areoften left aside because of their unfamiliarity, their lackof tractability in favor of the Poisson point process orthe regular lattice, easier to use. This article is intendedto be a short guide presenting a complete and simplemethodology to follow to infer a real stationary macroantenna network using tractable spatial models. The focusis mainly on repulsive point processes and in particular ondeterminantal point processes which are among the mosttractable repulsive point processes. This methodology isapplied on Belgian and French cell towers. The resultsshow that for all stationary distributions in France andBelgium, the best inference model is the β-Ginibre pointprocess. |