par Dabin, E.;Bogne Kamdem, Valery 
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 42, 3, page (194-196)
Publication Publié, 2021-05

Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 42, 3, page (194-196)
Publication Publié, 2021-05
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A fifty-three years old woman, nulllparous and postmenopausal, with no gynecological history presented with a right flank discomfort. The abdomen was distended by a large and palpable mass spreading from the supra-publcally area up to the epigastric area. An ultrasound exploration revealed a twenty-five centimeters cystic and septated mass, mostly liquid and partially solid. Investigations by MRI confirmed the adnexal origin and revealed a right hydronephrosis. The CA 125 was elevated at 76okU/l. Together, the findings implied a high risk of malignancy (both IOTA Simple Rules at minimum 17% and RMI at 2280). We performed a median laparotomy in order to stage and remove the mass. The anatomo-pathologlcal analysis of this 5.5 kilograms mass revealed a cystadenofibroma with no sign of malignancy causing hydronephrosis by external compression. |