par Pel, Bonno
;Debourdeau, Ariane
;Kemp, René;Dumitru, Adina;Schäfer, Martina;Vadovics, Edina;Fahy, Frances;Fransolet, Aurore
;Pellerin-Carlin, Thomas
Organisme financeur European Commission
Publication Publié, 2021-08-31

Organisme financeur European Commission
Publication Publié, 2021-08-31
Résumé : | This deliverable describes the conceptual framework on energy citizenship. It lays down the key definitions, theoretical underpinnings and social constructions of the required systematic energy citizenship understanding. The conceptual framework discloses the diversity of more and less ‘active’ energy citizenship forms, identifying the main distinctions brought forward in the state-of-the-art of social innovation and transitions, political science, sociology, energy studies, social psychology, geography and critical social theory. This also involves elaboration of the different understandings of the energy systems that energy citizenship can be taken to refer to. |