par Debourdeau, Ariane
;Schäfer, Martina;Pel, Bonno
;Kemp, René;Vadovics, Edina;Dumitru, Adina
Organisme financeur European Commission
Publication Publié, 2021-11-01

Organisme financeur European Commission
Publication Publié, 2021-11-01
Résumé : | This deliverable elaborates the fundamentals of the conceptual framework (D 2.1) into a conceptual typology of energy citizenship (ENCI). This document provides a backgroundreport on the process of grouping the key conceptual distinctions of ENCI into empirical observable analytical categories. Following a robust methodology, ten ideal-types are presented and discussed in this document. The report presents a consistent description for each of the ten, highlighting conceptual characteristics, and these are then illustrated with salient examples. This innovative conceptual typology captures the breadth of energy citizenship in terms of conceptual forms, thus encompassing both existing and possible types. The typology will be modified or refined according to the project’s forthcoming empirical results (WP3-6). |