par Briere, Marie
;Szafarz, Ariane 
Référence Factors and Sectors in Asset Allocation: Stronger Together?, Vol. Advances in the practice of public investment management. Portfolio modelling, performance attribution and governance, Advances in the practice of public investment management. Portfolio modelling, performance attribution and governance
Publication Publié, 2021-04-21

Référence Factors and Sectors in Asset Allocation: Stronger Together?, Vol. Advances in the practice of public investment management. Portfolio modelling, performance attribution and governance, Advances in the practice of public investment management. Portfolio modelling, performance attribution and governance
Publication Publié, 2021-04-21
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | This paper compares and contrasts factor investing and sector investing, and then seeks a compromise by optimally exploiting the advantages of both styles. Our results show that sector investing is effective for reducing risk through diversification while factor investing is better for capturing risk premia and so pushing up returns. This suggests that there is room for potentially fruitful combinations of the two styles. Presumably, by combining factors and sectors, investors would benefit both from the diversification potential of the former and the risk premia of the latter. The tests reveal that composite strategies are particularly attractive; they confirm that sector investing helps reduce risks during crisis periods, while factor investing can boost returns during quiet times. |