par Merla, Laura;Dedonder, Jonathan;Murru, Sarah
Référence 4th International Conference on Shared Parenting
Publication Non publié, 2018
Référence 4th International Conference on Shared Parenting
Publication Non publié, 2018
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | This presentation is based on the Leuven/Louvain Adolescents Survey (LAdS), a survey conducted in 2017-2018 in secondary schools in Belgium by researchers and master students from the KULeuven (for the part administered in Flanders) and the UCLouvain (for the part administered in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation). LAdS aims at mapping the diversity of family arrangements and their influence on the beliefs, attitudes and practices of adolescents. In this presentation we focus on the part of this survey conducted amongst children in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation, which also locates itself within the context of MobileKids, a 5-years ERC Starting Grant project that seeks to understand how Belgian, French and Italian teenagers living in egalitarian shared custody arrangements accommodate to their multi-local lives. The Brussels-Wallonia federation is a quite interesting, yet understudied, case with regards to shared custody arrangements, as it is located in Belgium, a country that adopted a law in 2006 that sets egalitarian shared custody as the custody arrangement that must be considered in the first place in case of parental separation. According to the 2017 Family Barometer of the Belgian Family League, as of today, more than four out of ten parents in the Brussels-Wallonia Federation experience a divorce or separation, and one out of three separated couples equally share custody of their children. Yet little is known about how the children experience post-divorce family life in this region, and how this influences their family relations. The main aim of this presentation is to understand the factors that influence the quality of relationships between the children who participated in this survey and their parents (mother and father). We show that relations with a specific parent are influenced by factors such as feeling at home at this parent's place, having a high level of contact on social networks with this parent, and having a good relation with the other parent. |