par Gares, Maroua
;Hiligsmann, Serge
;Kacem Chaouche, Noreddine
Référence SN Applied Sciences, 2, 10
Publication Publié, 2020-10-01

Référence SN Applied Sciences, 2, 10
Publication Publié, 2020-10-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Abstract: Algeria is facing two serious constraints, energy shortage and environment pollution. To overcome these two problems, renewable energies are the best sustainable alternatives. In this context, Algeria Government has established in 2011 a program for the development of renewable energies. The prospective results show a substantial contribution to supplying national energy demand as well as some significant environmental benefits, namely through major greenhouse gas savings. In fact, lignocellulosic sources as Algerian Alfa, olive pomace and cereal straw could provide up to 0.67 Mtoe which represents 4.37% of the energy consumption of transport sector in Algeria. In the same vein, introducing energy crops and dedicated cereal crop technologies allows Algeria to progressively increase its renewable energy supply. Up to 73.5 Mtoe and 57.9 Mtoe can be produced from the two cited resources respectively. That is more than the national energy consumption which reached 60.96 MToe in 2018. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. |