par Beyer, Benoît
;Biteau, David
;Snoeck, Olivier
;Dugailly, Pierre-Michel
;Bastir, Markus;Feipel, Véronique 
Référence Anatomical Science International
Publication Publié, 2020-04-01

Référence Anatomical Science International
Publication Publié, 2020-04-01
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Résumé : | Various studies have examined morphometric features of the vertebrae to understand the functional aspects of the spine. Geometric analysis of vertebral zygapophyseal facets has also been related to functional and clinical aspects of the spine, but no quantitative investigation of the costotransverse joint facet is found in the literature. The costal facet geometry may partly determine the mechanical interaction between the rib cage and spine for trunk stabilization during functional tasks and during breathing. Therefore, the present study proposes a method for estimating the 3D geometric features of the costal facets of the first 10 thoracic vertebrae (Th1–Th10). Series of landmarks (95 ± 43) were placed on 258 costal facets from a sample of 14 asymptomatic individuals to determine their 3D location and orientation. The relative location of the costal facet was used to investigate symmetry and asymmetry components of the overall vertebrae shape variation among thoracic levels using 3D geometric morphometric methods. Results showed significant variation in sagittal orientation (inclination angle) between levels with a gradual cephalic orientation in the lower levels. No significant difference was observed on transverse orientation (declination angle). The shape of the costal facet was flatter at Th1 and from Th5 to Th10 and more concave from Th2 to Th4. An average difference of 7° between right and left facet orientation in both sagittal and transverse plane was demonstrated. Asymmetry of costal facet relative location was also detected and significantly influenced by the thoracic level. Nevertheless, location and orientation of the costal facets seem to be independent features of vertebrae morphology. |