par Brou Boni, Kévin;Klein, John J.P.;Vanquin, L.;Wagner, Antoine
;Lacornerie, Thomas;Pasquier, David;Reynaert, Nick 
Référence Physics in medicine and biology, 65, 7, 075002
Publication Publié, 2020

Référence Physics in medicine and biology, 65, 7, 075002
Publication Publié, 2020
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The establishment of an MRI-only workflow in radiotherapy depends on the ability to generate an accurate synthetic CT (sCT) for dose calculation. Previously proposed methods have used a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for fast sCT generation in order to simplify the clinical workflow and reduces uncertainties. In the current paper we use a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) framework called pix2pixHD to create a robust model prone to multicenter data. This study included T2-weighted MR and CT images of 19 patients in treatment position from 3 different sites. The cGAN was trained on 2D transverse slices of 11 patients from 2 different sites. Once trained, the network was used to generate sCT images of 8 patients coming from a third site. The Mean Absolute Errors (MAE) for each patient were evaluated between real and synthetic CTs. A radiotherapy plan was optimized on the sCT series and re-calculated on CTs to assess the dose distribution in terms of voxel-wise dose difference and Dose Volume Histograms (DVH) analysis. It takes on average of 7.5s to generate a complete sCT (88 slices) for a patient on our GPU. The average MAE in HU between the sCT and actual patient CT (within the body contour) is 48.5 ± 6 HU with our method. The maximum dose difference to the target is 1.3%. This study demonstrates that an sCT can be generated in a multicentric context, with fewer pre-processing steps while being fast and accurate. |