par Carboni Maestri, Gregorio
Référence Displacement and domesticity since 1945. Refugees, migrants and expats making homes(Panel 3, A home as care & community session chair.: 2019-03-28: Bruxelles), There’s a lot of Chile in every Romanian homeless
Publication A Paraître, 2020
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : Grenfell Tower disaster showed U.K.’s housing crisis magnitude, witnessing a failure on behalf of municipal institutions to provide citizens -welfare. Meanwhile a “hysteria” surrounded the so-called Romanian migrants (its encampments dormitory) “crisis”. My contribution analyzes competitions such as “Starter for 10 Design Ideas”, based on Thames Reach (a charity focusing on helping homelessness) study called “Research into the Lives of Romanian migrant workers living in encampments in London.” I try to put this case-study in the neoliberal-post-Soviet era historical context, linking processes such as migration, recession, urban economy, working force transformations. From the Chilean coup (1973) to our days.