par Bonnechere, Bruno
;Louryan, Stéphane
;Feipel, Véronique 
Référence Morphologie
Publication Publié, 2020-12-01

Référence Morphologie
Publication Publié, 2020-12-01
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Résumé : | Introduction: Over the last years, the definition of quadriceps femoris (QF) has evolved somewhat and some authors now define a fifth head: the tensor of vastus intermedius (TVI). Descriptions of the different components of QF in textbooks and recent findings remain confusing. Therefore, the aim of this study is to obtain more information on this possible fifth head. Materials and methods: Twenty lower limbs of 10 embalmed cadavers, six females and four males, were investigated by macro-dissection. The dissection and separation of the different heads were performed with the fingers and a distinction between the different parts of the quadriceps was noted only if it was possible to separate the heads without scalpel to avoid artificial separation of muscle parts. Results: In 9 lower limbs we found a QF as classically described in textbook. TVI was found in only 7 limbs and in 4 cases we were not able to differentiate VI and VM or VI and VL (triceps femoris as described by Testut). These results, and the diversity of descriptions found in the literature have led us to review the definition of an isolated muscle. Conclusion: In this study, the presence of TVI was not demonstrated in all limbs unlike previously published studies on the subject. Harmonisation of dissection techniques, but also a clear definition of a muscle is required in order to be able to compare studies and draw clear conclusions. |