par Maamari, Alain
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 39, 4, page (322-324)
Publication Publié, 2018-09
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Introduction: The proportion of the world's population over 60 years-old will double between the years 2000 and 2050, from about 11 to 22 %. Good oral hygiene, prevention and dental care play a key role in slowing down our functional abilities. Material and methods: Literature analysis is conducted using the Pubmed and Google Scholar databases and the key words " Oral care and pneumonia, functional capacity and dental health geriatric odontology, oral health care by the non-institutionalized and institutionalized elderly bisphosphonate osteonecrosis, oral health problems and diet quality, caries and periodontal disease, caries risk assessment, xerostomia, Oral status and nutrition ". Results: There is a correlation between the effects of poor oral health and poor general health. The lack or maladjustment of dental prostheses can lead to many problems, such as malnutrition or phonation problems. The treatment plan must be adapted according to each patient. Alteration of the masticatory function has a negative effect on the choice of diet, with the possible consequence in reducing the intake of several essential nutrients. Conclusion: It is essential to focus on prevention curative and prosthetic care in order to improve quality of life indicators for our seniors.