  • Prototype of multi-hazard early warning from EUNADICS-AV systems to trigger model forecasts of European airspace
Auteur:Brenot, Hugues; Theys, Nicolas; Clarisse, Lieven; Hurtmans, Daniel; Hedelt, Pascal; Vasquez, M; Mona, Lucia; Pappalardo, Gelsomina; Scollo, Simona; Coltelli, Mauro; Peltonen, T; Lahtinen, Juhani; Hirtl, Marcus; Arnold, D.L.; Virtanen, Timo; De Leeuw, Gerrit; Petersen, G.N.; Barsotti, Sara; Plu, Matthieu; Wotawa, Gerhard
Informations sur la publication:EGU General Assembly 2018
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2018-04-12
Sujet CREF:Sciences exactes et naturelles