par Vileno, Anna Maria
Référence Messianism Now and Then – Religion, Ethics and Politics (July 1-3, 2018: Frankfurt)
Publication Non publié, 2018-07-02
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : The last work of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, entitled Messias puer, dates back to the very end of Knorr’s life (1689) and concentrates on chapters of the Gospels dedicated to the Annunciation of Christ’s birth, the Virgin birth and the first years of the life of Jesus, commented according to kabbalistic principles. In order to demonstrate that Jesus is the Messiah expected, the text refers constantly to the doctrine of reincarnation (gilgulei nafshot) and to the flow of ages (shmitot), known to Knorr from his translation of Lurianic kabbalah. This paper aims at presenting the way Knorr related to sources available to him and at examining how he applied them to his speculation in the frame of Christian kabbalah.