Résumé : Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are widely prescribed on a daily basis due to their recognized efficiency and their few side effects as opposed to tricyclic antidepressants. The iatrogenic effect mainly causes benign hemorrhagic episodes however some cases could get serious. The Belgian centre of pharmaco- therapeutical information warns prescribing physicians regarding the use of SSRIs. The existing risk of cutaneo-mucosal bleeding or other forms of hemorrhage due to SSRIs has been identified in the early 90s based on reported cases. Since then, cohort epidemiology studies or case studies have shown a correlation between the SSRIs intake and bleeding, linked to inhibition of the serotonin re-uptake (5HT). We report 2 clinical cases of patients who presented hemorrhages. One has been taking sertraline and the other fluoxetine. Through this literature review, we aim at discussing the impact of the different physiopathologic mechanisms.