par Pel, Bonno ;Dumitru, Adina;Kemp, René;Haxeltine, Alex;Jorgensen, Michael Soegaard;Avelino, Flor;Kunze, Iris;Dorland, Jens;Wittmayer, Julia;Bauler, Thomas
Organisme financeur European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
Publication Publié, 2017-03-03
Résumé : This deliverable is the synthesis report of work package 5 ‘Cases and Evidence – Meta analysis’. It presents the results of the meta-analysis of TSI propositions through the Critical Turning Points database. This database contains 65 local manifestations of transnational social innovation networks in 28 different countries, and almost 400 in-depth accounts of Critical Turning Points in the histories of these local manifestations. The synthesis provides empirical testing and substantiation of 12 propositions on TSI, as inputs for the final account of TSI theory.