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Résumé : Eleven placentae and one fibroblast cell culture from pregnancies complicated by various inherited metabolic disorders, together with five chorionic villus biopsies from pregnancies at risk, were examined for ultrastructural evidence of accumulation of metabolites. Abnormal ultrastructural features were present as early as 10 weeks gestation. Myelin bodies were found in all placental cell types in a case of Niemann-Pick disorder and stromal cells showed marked vacuolation in Hurler's disease. Membranous arrays were occasionally identified in the lysosomes of stromal cells in a case of Sandhoff's disease, together with some myelin body formation in the trophoblast and endothelium. In Pompe's disease, intralysosomal accumulations of glycogen were present in all cell types except syncytiotrophoblast, while in sialic acid storage disorder all placental cells were affected except for the cytotrophoblast. Collagen fibre disorientation and excess associated proteoglycan was seen in a formalin-fixed placenta with Sanfilippo mucopolysaccharidosis, and syncytial vacuolation, caused possibly by delays in fixation, was evident in many specimens. The specimens were collected from different centres and the fixation procedure varied significantly. The most satisfactory results were obtained from chorionic villus sampling in vivo and from pregnancies terminated using aspiration followed by immediate fixation. The importance of liaison with clinicians is stressed in order to obtain optimal preservation of the tissue. This is particularly vital in immature specimens of placenta where abnormal storage product material may not have had time to accumulate. © 1990, Baillière Tindall. All rights reserved.