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Résumé : Iron, titanium and aluminum are chromatographed on strips of Whatman filter paper No. 1. The strips containing the saline solutions are then dried. The chromatogram of the cations is developed by means of organic solvents. The latter are used pure or mixed. A chromatogram, which is usable both qualitatively and quantitatively, is obtained by means of a mixture of amylalcohol, benzene and concentrated hydrochloric acid. The iron and the titanium separate from the aluminum. The three cations are determined spectrophotometrically after cutting the strips at the boundaries of the stains and eluting the corresponding chlorides. The iron and the titanium are determined in one and the same solution by means of Tiron (p h 4,7); the aluminum is determined with the aid of Aluminon (p h 4,7). The approximation of the procedure as a whole is close to that of the technique of the determination employed until now. © 1951 Springer-Verlag.