par Rozenberg, Serge ;Gevers, Rudy
Référence Tijdschrift voor fertiliteitsonderzoek, 18, 3, page (50-53)
Publication Publié, 2004-09
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : The clinician who has to inform a patient on hormone (replacement) therapy (HRT) risks in order to help her take a decision on whether or not to be treated with HRT, should consider absolute risks rather than relative risks. For the majority of women who suffer from important menopausal complaints, HRT may be indicated if they have no major risk of thromboembolic (history or mutation carrier) or cerebrovascular disorders (history) or breast cancer (a previous cancer or an atypical hyperplasia). There is a current agreement to use the lowest HRT dose and check regularly whether the indication for treatment is still present. After receiving proper information from the physician, it is ultimately the woman's own decision whether or not to be treated.