par Croquet, Vincent ;Delchambre, Alain
Référence (11-13/02/2004: Bad Hofgastein, Austria), Proceedings of the International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS '2004, Nottingham The Precision Manufacturing Group, School of Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, page (191-198)
Publication Publié, 2004
Publication dans des actes
  • Innovative implantable drug delivery system : design process
Auteur:Croquet, Vincent; Delchambre, Alain
Informations sur la publication:(11-13/02/2004: Bad Hofgastein, Austria), Proceedings of the International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS '2004, Nottingham The Precision Manufacturing Group, School of Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering and Management, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, page (191-198)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2004
Sujet CREF:Sciences de l'ingénieur