par De Lit, Pierre ;Latinne, Patrice ;Rekiek, Brahim ;Delchambre, Alain
Référence (9-12/08/1999: University of Limerick, Ireland), ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a global market : proceedings of the fifteenth conference of the International Foundation for Production Research, Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, page (947-950)
Publication Publié, 1999
Publication dans des actes
  • An ordering genetic algorithm for assembly planning
Auteur:De Lit, Pierre; Latinne, Patrice; Rekiek, Brahim; Delchambre, Alain
Informations sur la publication:(9-12/08/1999: University of Limerick, Ireland), ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a global market : proceedings of the fifteenth conference of the International Foundation for Production Research, Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, page (947-950)
Statut de publication:Publié, 1999
Sujet CREF:Sciences de l'ingénieur