par Bernard, Nadine 
Editeur scientifique Holl, Karl;Kjelling, Anne C.
Référence The Nobel Peace Prize and the laureates, The meaning and acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize in the prize winners' countries, Peter Lang, Frankfurt al Main ; New-York, page (109-133)
Publication Publié, 1994

Editeur scientifique Holl, Karl;Kjelling, Anne C.
Référence The Nobel Peace Prize and the laureates, The meaning and acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize in the prize winners' countries, Peter Lang, Frankfurt al Main ; New-York, page (109-133)
Publication Publié, 1994
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Titre: |
Auteur: | Bernard, Nadine |
Editeur scientifique: | Holl, Karl; Kjelling, Anne C. |
Informations sur la publication: | The Nobel Peace Prize and the laureates, The meaning and acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize in the prize winners' countries, Peter Lang, Frankfurt al Main ; New-York, page (109-133) |
Statut de publication: | Publié, 1994 |
Sujet CREF: | Histoire |
Histoire militaire | |
Sciences sociales | |
Langue: | Anglais |
Identificateurs: | urn:isbn:9783631462522 |
VAR-545119-1001 |