par Reilly, Jennifer 
Président du jury Luffin, Xavier
Promoteur Papadopoulou, Ioanna
;Viviers, Didier 
Publication Non publié, 2013-12-18

Président du jury Luffin, Xavier

Promoteur Papadopoulou, Ioanna

Publication Non publié, 2013-12-18
Thèse de doctorat
Résumé : | This thesis offers a detailed examination of the representation of topos, or homeland, in the poetry of George Seferis from an interdisciplinary perspective. It argues that Seferis’ poetry is a response to loss, and in particular the loss of a homeland in Asia Minor. The argument is divided into two parts. The first, entitled “Crisis and Response,” deals with Seferis’ personal biography and the subject of loss, while the second, “Allegories of Topos,” treats three distinct themes that illustrate and allegorize Seferis’ poetics of topos: dystopia, historical poetics, and the poet’s interpretation of Homer. A concluding chapter examines Seferis’ Cyprus poems and the similarities between Cyprus and Asia Minor. Ultimately, this study sheds new light on one of twentieth century Greece’s most iconic modernist poets by presenting a new, place-based reading that illuminates the relationship between nationalism and personal topography. |