Lettre à l'éditeur
Résumé : We thank our colleagues for their reaction toward our currentpublication related to the use of nitrate salts byexercising humans.In our introduction, our colleagues were surprised by thestatement ‘‘A few publications pointed out that nitrate andnitric salts excess exposure is associated with increased risk ofrenal cell carcinoma and acute injury’’ (9,10). However, in thatsame introduction, we pointed out several references fromspecific publications (1,5,7,8) proposing caution for thoseusing nitrate salts. In addition, Gilchrist et al. (4) cited adeclaration of the Food and Agriculture Organization/WorldHealth Organization showing ‘‘nonconsistently increased riskfor cancer,’’ but the European Food Safety Authority (3)stated that ‘‘nitrate and nitric oxide raised concern.’’ This iswhy some researchers proposed that caution should be appliedwhile exercising under nitrate salts supplementation(2,7,8). Moreover, Jones et al. (6) agreed to ‘‘remain alert tothe risk/benefit quotient when studying the effects of nitrateingestion on human physiology.’’Facing different opposite statements on this matterand no real information related to renal physiology inexercising humans under nitrate supplementation, we decidedto look at the effect of nitrate salts upon differentkidney functions such as glomerular filtration rate (creatinine),glomerular membrane permeability (albumin excretionrate), and tubular reabsorption (urea rate). For certain,we still believe proven evidence is better than unprovenexpectation.