par Oita, Iuliana;Halewyck, Hadewych;Dejaegher, Bieke ;Rombaut, Bart;Vander Heyden, Yvan
Référence International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC11), 27-29 January 2010, and International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation (HTSP) (January 26th-27th 2010: Brugge, Belgium)
Publication Non publié, 2010
Poster de conférence
  • POSTER: Clean-up of poliovirus samples for capillary electrophoresis analysis using off-line spin-column size-exclusion chromatography
Auteur:Oita, Iuliana; Halewyck, Hadewych; Dejaegher, Bieke; Rombaut, Bart; Vander Heyden, Yvan
Informations sur la publication:International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC11), 27-29 January 2010, and International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation (HTSP) (January 26th-27th 2010: Brugge, Belgium)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2010
Sujet CREF:Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles