par Soltani, Payam
;Tondreau, Gilles
;Deraemaeker, Arnaud
;Kerschen, Gaetan
Référence CSNDD 2014(19-21 May: Agadir, Morocco), 2nd International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, page (01007)
Publication Publié, 2014-05-19

Référence CSNDD 2014(19-21 May: Agadir, Morocco), 2nd International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, page (01007)
Publication Publié, 2014-05-19
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | This paper studies linear and nonlinear piezoelectric vibration absorbers that are designed based on the equal-peak method. A comparison between the performance of linear mechanical and electrical tuned vibration absorbers coupled to a linear oscillator is first performed. Nonlinearity is then introduced in the primary oscillator to which a new nonlinear electrical tuned vibration absorber is attached. Despite the frequency-energy dependence of nonlinear oscillations, we show that the nonlinear absorber is capable of effectively mitigating the vibrations of the nonlinear primary system in a large range of forcing amplitudes. © 2014 published by EDP Sciences. |