par Degré, Serge
Référence Giornale italiano di cardiologia, 3, 5, page (637-645)
Publication Publié, 1973
Référence Giornale italiano di cardiologia, 3, 5, page (637-645)
Publication Publié, 1973
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The concept of maximal working capacity is defined in coronary patients and the evolution of this index in patients with myocardial infarction is described. The factors which affect this evolution independently of training and in relation to restarting work are enumerated. With regard to maximal working capacity, muscular exercise is undoubtedly useful in promoting a more rapid return to work. With regard to the hemodynamic effects of muscular exercise, the author points out that this is mainly due to peripheral adaptation, and more research is needed to discover possible changes in myocardial contractility. No spirometric or biometric changes were noted after training. Lipoid metabolism is most likely to be modified by education in eating habits, which is part of the rehabilitation process, rather than by physical training. |