Résumé : A field trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of rice straw (Oryza sativa L) and two spontaneous plant (Pueraria phaseloïdes and Chromolaena odorata) residues combined or not with mineral fertilizers on a lowland rice cultivar growth and yield parameters. C. odorata and P. phaseloides residues applied alone or with mineral fertilizers allowed an increase of total aboveground biomass from 33.01% to 35.55% against 24.04% for Mineral fertilizers. On the other hand, rice straw alone allowed a decrease of total aboveground biomass (-6.64%). Concerning grain yield, C. odorata and P. phaseloides residues applied alone allowed the same increase of 29.04 to 32.61% like control with mineral fertilizers. The increase in rice straw plots was relatively low (18.99%) when applied alone and almost useless (7.42%) when applied with mineral fertilizers. C. odorata residues applied with mineral fertilizers allowed the highest increase of rice grain yield (67.97%). Plant residues used as green manure with or not mineral fertilizers increase rice grain and straw yields by influencing in various manner growth and others yield parameters. © 2010, INSInet Publication.