par Apruzzi, Fabio;Fazzi, Marco
;Rosa, Dario;Tomasiello, Alessandro
Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2014, 4, 064
Publication Publié, 2014

Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2014, 4, 064
Publication Publié, 2014
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In M-theory, the only AdS7 supersymmetric solutions are AdS 7 × S 4 and its orbifolds. In this paper, we find and classify new supersymmetric solutions of the type AdS7 × M 3 in type II supergravity. While in IIB none exist, in IIA with Romans mass (which does not lift to M-theory) there are many new ones. We use a pure spinor approach reminiscent of generalized complex geometry. Without the need for any Ansatz, the system determines uniquely the form of the metric and fluxes, up to solving a system of ODEs. Namely, the metric on M 3 is that of an S 2 fibered over an interval; this is consistent with the Sp(1) R-symmetry of the holographically dual (1,0) theory. By including D8 brane sources, one can numerically obtain regular solutions, where topologically M 3 ≅ S 3. © 2014 The Author(s). |