par Feremans, Walter ;De Maertelaere Laurent, Emilie ;Delalieux, G.;Neve, Pierre
Référence PATH.EUROP., 11, 2, page (137-146)
Publication Publié, 1976
Référence PATH.EUROP., 11, 2, page (137-146)
Publication Publié, 1976
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Six patients, 2 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (A.L.L.) and 4 with lymphosarcoma with early transformation into A.L.L., were studied. All blast cells demonstrated the cytologic, cytochemical and ultrastructural features of Burkitt's lymphoma. The clinical evolution was fulminant and there was no remission of long duration despite intensive chemotherapy. The cytoplasm of the blast cells displayed a great number of lipid droplets. The level of the anticapsid Epstein Barr virus antibodies was high in the case investigated. |