par Lacourt, Alice
;Sommereyns, Ghislaine 
Référence Mikrochimica acta, 42, 5, page (550-583)
Publication Publié, 1954-09

Référence Mikrochimica acta, 42, 5, page (550-583)
Publication Publié, 1954-09
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The chromatographic separation of chromium from the minor elements encountered in steels has been studied on the microgram scale. The elution and the determination of chromium have been improved from the point of view of the quantitative verification of its separation from tungsten, molybdenum, iron, and contingently in the presence of vanadium. From the quantitative standpoint, the recommended determinations through spectrophotometry and absorptionometry are remarkably reproducible: for 10 μg, from ± 1 to 2% and for 2 μg, from ± 3.5%. This finding makes it feasible to consider the method for the analysis of solutions of either low or high chromium content. With respect to its use in control work and for series analyses, this technique appears to be especially adequate because, in the same time (2 hours, 40 minutes) eight samples may be developed in a single cell with no intervention on the part of the chemist. It may be said, that apart from the solution procedure, this method will permit the analysis per day of eight samples with a single cell. © 1954 Springer-Verlag. |