par De Bruyn, Didier
;Ramaeckers, C.C. C.C.;Huergo, Pedro 
Référence Computers and geotechnics, 16, 3, page (247-260)
Publication Publié, 1994

Référence Computers and geotechnics, 16, 3, page (247-260)
Publication Publié, 1994
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The equations of pressure and displacement equilibrium in an elastic perfectly plastic medium are presented for both spherical and cylindrical symmetry. The excavation of a gallery in a deep clay formation is then modelled and the displacements behind the tunnel face may be estimated. Numerical simulations are compared to field data; within the limitation of the hypothesis taken into account, the comparison is fair. The equations presented in this paper and the associated results may provide a benchmark test for Finite Element (FE) or Boundary Element (BE) computer codes written for the same purpose. Thanks to the limited number of parameters to be used, the field engineer may also, as a first approach, find it useful to his practical stability and excavation problems. © 1994. |