Résumé : The existence of supranormal differential renal function in unilateral hydronephrosis remains controversial. While some authors consider it as fact, others believe that it is just a technical artifact. Within our department, chromium-51 ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (Cr-EDTA) renal clearance is systematically performed in conjunction with technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) renograms to derive an absolute single kidney glomerular filtration rate (SKGFR). Our data allows us to ascertain whether supranormal differential renal function in unilateral hydronephrosis might be due to hypofunction of the contralateral kidney. Children with marked unilateral hydronephrosis were selected from a large database of MAG3 diuretic(s) renograms. We excluded patients with posterior urethral valves, duplex anomalies, neurogenic bladder, solitary kidney, and those who underwent any previous urological surgery. We also excluded children who had an early furosemide injection (F0 procedure), selecting only those having received furosemide at the end of the renogram (F+20 test). Seventy-three patients (92 renograms) fulfilled these criteria. Differential renal function was calculated using the integral method. Hydronephrotic kidney with a relative uptake ≥55% was defined as supranormal. Six renograms (four patients) demonstrated supranormal relative function on the hydronephrotic side. However, the SKGFR of these kidneys was in all cases within the range of normal values, while the contralateral side demonstrated borderline low SKGFR. Increased relative function on the side of the hydronephrotic kidney is relatively infrequent. When it occurs, it may be related to a borderline hypofunction of the contralateral kidney. © IPNA 2005.