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Résumé : The calbindin (CB) and the calretinin (CR) immunoreactivities were studied in the dog cochlea during its postnatal maturation from birth to the 33rd postnatal day. At birth, CB was expressed in the Kolliker's organ, in the immature inner (IHC) and outer hair cells (OHC), in neurons of the spiral ganglion, and in nerve fibers running in the basilar membrane of the apical turn. During the cochlear maturation, non-sensorineuronal structures, such as the Kolliker's organ, the rods of Corti, and the inner sulcus cells, displayed a transient CB-staining. In the adult-like dog cochlea, CB was found in the cytoplasm, the cuticular plate, and the stereocilia of the IHC and OHC. All the neurons of the spiral ganglion and some nerves fibers in the modulius were CB-positive. At birth, CR exhibited a neuronal distribution: about 75% of the spiral ganglion neurons, some nerve fibers in the modulius and nerve fibers running in the basilar membrane were CR-labeled. During the postnatal maturation, a CR-immunostaining appeared around the IHC body and CR was expressed transiently in the OHC. In the adult-like dog cochlea, a CR-positive network surrounded the unlabeled IHC. The neuronal CR-labeling remained unchanged from birth. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.