par Vroomen, Jean;van Linden, Sabine;De Gelder, Béatrice
;Bertelson, Paul 
Référence Neuropsychologia, 45, 3, page (572-577)
Publication Publié, 2007

Référence Neuropsychologia, 45, 3, page (572-577)
Publication Publié, 2007
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Exposure to incongruent auditory and visual speech produces both visual recalibration and selective adaptation of auditory speech identification. In an earlier study, exposure to an ambiguous auditory utterance (intermediate between /aba/ and /ada/) dubbed onto the video of a face articulating either /aba/ or /ada/, recalibrated the perceived identity of auditory targets in the direction of the visual component, while exposure to congruent non-ambiguous /aba/ or /ada/ pairs created selective adaptation, i.e. a shift of perceived identity in the opposite direction [Bertelson, P., Vroomen, J., & de Gelder, B. (2003). Visual recalibration of auditory speech identification: a McGurk aftereffect. Psychological Science, 14, 592-597]. Here, we examined the build-up course of the after-effects produced by the same two types of bimodal adapters, over a 1-256 range of presentations. The (negative) after-effects of non-ambiguous congruent adapters increased monotonically across that range, while those of ambiguous incongruent adapters followed a curvilinear course, going up and then down with increasing exposure. This pattern is discussed in terms of an asynchronous interaction between recalibration and selective adaptation processes. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |