par Page, Robert;Vancraeynest, G.;Shotter, Alan C.;Huyse, Mark;Bain, C. R.;Binon, Freddy ;Coszach, R.;Davinson, Thomas;Decrock, Patrick;Delbar, Th;Duhamel, Paul ;Gaelens, Michel;Galster, Wilfried;Leleux, Pol;Licot, I.;Liénard, Etienne;Lipnik, Peter;Michotte, C.;Ninane, A.;Sellin, Paul;Sükösd, Cs;Van Duppen, Piet;Vanhorenbeeck, Jean ;Vervier, Jean;Wiescher, Michael;Woods, P.J.
Référence Physical review letters, 73, 23, page (3066-3069)
Publication Publié, 1994
Référence Physical review letters, 73, 23, page (3066-3069)
Publication Publié, 1994
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The 19Ne(p, γ)20Na reaction may influence considerably the reaction flow between the CNO and NeNa mass regions in high temperature hydrogen burning conditions. The 447 keV resonance has been studied by exploiting radioactive 19Ne beams with novel detection techniques to measure β+ -delayed α radioactivity of 20Na nuclei produced in reactions with polyethylene targets. A 90% C.L. upper limit of 18 meV for the resonance strength has been determined and implications for the spin assignment of the 2.646 MeV state in 20Na and the stellar reaction rate are discussed. |