Résumé : The in vivo activity of Bu2nSnGlyGly, Na(CI2GaGlyGly), and CIGaGlyGly (GlyGly2-- = glycylglycinate) has been investigated in connection with a number of tumors. Positive results have been obtained only for the Bu2nSnIV complex in the case of leukemia P-388 In order to try to interpret the pharmacological data on a molecular basis, the nature of the species present in solutions of AIK2Sn GlyGly complexes, as well as the reactivity of aqueous Me2SnGlyGly, have been studied. The presence of chelated species (I), Figure 1, in organic solvents, and the equilibrium (I) ⇌ (II), Figure 1, in water and mixed water-organic solvent systems, have been inferred from conductance measurements, as well as from studies by Mössbauer (in frozen solution), 1H, 13C, and 119Sn NMR, and ir spectroscopy. Moreover, solvated (II) would release AlK2SnIV moieties, as evidenced by the slow formation of (Me2SnO)n from aqueous Me2Sn GlyGly. The involvement of (I) and (II) in the transportation of these drugs across cell membranes is discussed. © 1985.