par Achten, Wouter
;Dondeyne, S.b;Mugogo, S.c;Kafiriti, E.c;Poesen, J.d;Deckers, J.e;Muys, Bart
Référence Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie, 52, 2, page (225-235)
Publication Publié, 2008

Référence Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie, 52, 2, page (225-235)
Publication Publié, 2008
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Though gully erosion is often mentioned as a major process of land degradation in South Eastern Tanzania, little information is available on its distribution. The Makonde plateau and adjacent inland plains are of particular concern as they are densely populated and are major areas of cashew nuts production. The occurrence of gully erosion was assessed in 66 villages selected by stratified random sampling in an area of 13,000 km2. Difference in susceptibility to gully erosion between landscape units was assess by determining topographic threshold parameters of 22 gullies on the Makonde plateau and 14 in the inland plains. Overall, gullies are common and spread equally over the different landscape units. Their occurrence is positively associated with terrain roughness (Cramer's V |