par Vande Wouwer, A.;Renotte, Christine;Remy, Marcel;Bogaerts, Philippe
Référence 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 02)(9-12/7/2002: Lisbon (Portugal)), Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 02)
Publication Publié, 2002
Publication dans des actes
  • Hybrid first-principles - neural network approach to modeling of animal cell cultures
Auteur:Vande Wouwer, A.; Renotte, Christine; Remy, Marcel; Bogaerts, Philippe
Informations sur la publication:10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 02)(9-12/7/2002: Lisbon (Portugal)), Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 02)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2002
Sujet CREF:Sciences de l'ingénieur