Travail de recherche/Working paper
Titre: |
Auteur: | Luciani, Matteo; Ricci, Lorenzo |
Statut de publication: | Publié, 2013-02 |
series: | ECARES Working Papers, ECARES 2013-10 |
Sujet CREF: | Economie |
Sujet JEL: | Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models: Time-Series Models |
Forecasting and Other Model Applications | |
Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles: Forecasting and Simulation | |
Volumes/pages: | 17 p. |
Mots-clés: | real-time forecasting |
bayesian factor model | |
nowcasting | |
Langue: | Anglais |
Identificateurs: | RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/139866 |