par Hartley, Michael I.;Hubard, Isabel;Leemans, Dimitri
Référence Ars Mathematica contemporanea, 5, 2, page (371-382)
Publication Publié, 2012
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : We construct chiral abstract polytopes in two different ways. Firstly we seek them as quotients of regular polytopes arising from the Atlas of Small Regular Polytopes (; the resulting atlas of chiral polytopes atlas is available on the website Secondly, for each almost simple group Γ such that S ≤ Γ ≤ Aut(S) where S is a simple group and Γ is a group of order less than 900,000 listed in the Atlas of Finite Groups, we give, up to isomorphism, the number of abstract chiral polytopes on which Γ acts regularly. The results have been obtained using a series of Magma programs. All these polytopes are made available on the third author's website, at