par Uwase, Marie-Paule ;Nguyen, Long Thanh;Tiberghien, Jacques ;Steenhaut, Kris;Dricot, Jean-Michel
Référence (26-28 September, 2012: Villach, Austria), Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL
Publication Publié, 2012-09
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : The authors have observed that interactive simulators can be very efficient tools for clarifying the underlying principles of computer architecture and network routing provided that the effort students have to make to use the simulator is small compared to the learning benefits expected from the it. A series of simulators have been designed specifically for didactic purposes. Learning how to use them should not require more than 15 minutes. The functionality and operating principles of a set of simulators for routing algorithms in wireless sensor networks are described, with emphasis on how, through repeated interactions with the student-users, the design goals could be mostly fulfilled.