par Pasdeloup, Valérie ;Morais, Jose ;Kolinsky, Régine
Référence Eurospeech(3: 21-23 september 1993: Berlin, Germany), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on speech communication and technology, page (775-778)
Publication Publié, 1993
Publication dans des actes
  • Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? Evidence from speech illusions
Auteur:Pasdeloup, Valérie; Morais, Jose; Kolinsky, Régine
Informations sur la publication:Eurospeech(3: 21-23 september 1993: Berlin, Germany), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on speech communication and technology, page (775-778)
Statut de publication:Publié, 1993
Sujet CREF:Neurosciences cognitives