  • Vitamin D deficiency per se (but not its relative genetic variants) is associated with the severity of alcoholic liver disease
Auteur:Trepo, Eric; Gustot, Thierry; Pradat, Pierre; Gervy, Caroline; Quertinmont, Eric; Degré, Delphine; Ouziel, Romy; Vercruysse, Vincent; Deltenre, Pierre; Franchimont, Denis; Lemmers, Arnaud; Le Moine, Olivier; Gulbis, Béatrice; Devière, Jacques; Moreno, Christophe
Informations sur la publication:American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) (2012: San Francisco, USA)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2011
Sujet CREF:Gastro-entérologie