Peer-reviewed journal articles (77)

  1. 40. Delacre, M., Leys, C., Mora, Y., & Lakens, D. (2020). Taking parametric assumptions seriously: Arguments for the use of welch's f-test instead of the classical f-test in one-way ANOVA. International Review of Social Psychology, 32(1). doi:10.5334/IRSP.198
  2. 41. Salvati, B., Van Wijnendaele, R., Fossion, P., Snacken, J., Koraichi, N. N., Gois, C., & Leys, C. (2020). Voyage pathologique et précarité : une étude descriptive transversale sur la prévalence des phénomènes d'errance dans la population des urgences psychiatriques de l'hôpital Saint-Pierre. Acta psychiatrica Belgica, 120(1), XX-XX.
  3. 42. Kotsou, I., Mikolajczak, M., Heeren, A., Grégoire, J., & Leys, C. (2019). Improving emotional intelligence: A systematic review of existing work and future challenges. Emotion Review, 11(2), 151-165.
  4. 43. Shankland, R. R., Kotsou, I., Vallet, F. F., Bouteyre, E. E., Dantzer, C. C., & Leys, C. (2019). Burnout in university students: The mediating role of sense of coherence on the relationship between daily hassles and burnout. Higher education, 78(1),, 91-113.
  5. 44. Carlier, S., Ducenne, L., Leys, C., Stanciu, R., Deconinck, N., Wintgens, A., Oreve, M. J., & Delvenne, V. (2019). Improving autism screening in French-speaking countries: Validation of the Autism Discriminative Tool, a teacher-rated questionnaire for clinicians' use. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 61, 33-44.
  6. 45. Duagani Masika, Y., Leys, C., Ma Nzuzi, T. M., Blanchette, I., Ma, E. S. K., & Kornreich, C. (2019). Peritraumatic dissociation and post-traumatic stress disorder in individuals exposed to armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of trauma & dissociation,, 1-12. doi:10.1080/15299732.2019.1597814
  7. 46. Leys, C., Delacre, M., Mora, Y., Lakens, D., & Ley, C. (2019). How to classify, detect, and manage univariate and multivariate outliers, with emphasis on pre-registration. International Review of Social Psychology, 32(1),, 1-10. doi:10.5334/irsp.289
  8. 47. Duagani Masika, Y., Leys, C., Fossion, P., Verbanck, P., Tingu Yaba Nzolameso, M., Mampunza Ma Miezi, S., & Kornreich, C. (2019). Trauma awareness and preparedness: Their influence on posttraumatic stress disorder development related to armed conflict experience. Journal of psychology in Africa, 29(3), 249-254. doi:10.1080/14330237.2019.1619997
  9. 48. Fossion, P., Antonetti, S. A., & Leys, C. (2018). Internet: Abus, dépendance et bienfaits. Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 39(4), 250-254.
  10. 49. Leys, C., Arnal Bacalao, C., Wollast, R., Rolin, H., Kotsou, I., & Fossion, P. (2018). Perspectives on resilience: Personality Trait or Skill? European journal of trauma & dissociation.
  11. 50. Rolin, H., Fossion, P., Kotsou, I., & Leys, C. (2018). Considérations sur la résilience: trait ou aptitude? Revue Médicale de Bruxelles.
  12. 51. Leys, C., Klein, O., Dominicy, Y., & Ley, C. (2018). Detecting multivariate outliers: use a robust variant of the Mahalanobis distance. Journal of experimental social psychology, 74, 150-156. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2017.09.011

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