Peer-reviewed journal articles (77)

  1. 28. Robert, M., Shankland, R. R., Valentina, A. A., Deschasaux-Tanguy, M., Kesse-Guyot, E., Bellicha, A., Leys, C., Hercberg, S., Touvier, M., & Péneau, S. (2022). Resilience Is Associated with Less Eating Disorder Symptoms in the NutriNet-Santé Cohort Study. International journal of environmental research and public Health, 19, 1471.
  2. 29. Tachon, G., Shankland, R. R., Marteau-Chasserieau, F., Morgan, B., Leys, C., & Kotsou, I. (2021). Gratitude Moderates the Relation Between Daily Hassles and Satisfaction with Life in University Students. International journal of environmental research and public Health, 18.
  3. 30. Leys, C., Kotsou, I., Shankland, R. R., Firmin, M., Péneau, S., & Fossion, P. (2021). Resilience predicts lower anxiety and depression and greater recovery after a vicarious trauma: A validation of the French version of the Brief Resilience Scale. International journal of environmental research and public Health, 18(23), 12608.
  4. 31. Verger, N., Shankland, R. R., Strub, L., Kotsou, I., Leys, C., & Steiler, D. (2021). Mindfulness-based programs, perceived stress and well-being at work: The preferential use of informal practices. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, 71(6), 100709. doi:10.1016/j.erap.2021.100709
  5. 32. Paucsik, M., Urbanowicz, A., Leys, C., Kotsou, I., Baeyens, C., & Shankland, R. R. (2021). Self-Compassion and Rumination Type Mediate the Relation between Mindfulness and Parental Burnout. International journal of environmental research and public Health, 18(16), 8811.
  6. 33. Mora, Y., Klein, O., Leys, C., & Smeding, A. A. (2021). External validity of social psychological experiments is a concern, but these models are useful. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1-71.
  7. 34. Figueiredo Oliveira Reis, J., Marchini, S., De Leeuw, A., Slama, H., Leys, C., Delhaye, M., Kornreich, C., Nicolis, H., & Delvenne, V. (2021). Study Protocol: Transition_psy a Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study Assessing Risk and Protective Factors to Develop Psychopathology in Transitional Age Youth in Belgium. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 645679. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.645679
  8. 35. Joran, F., Shankland, R. R., Kotsou, I., Marion, I., Evelyn, R., & Leys, C. (2021). Empowering well-being: Validation of a locus of control scale specific to well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3513-3542.
  9. 36. Rogiers, A., Leys, C., De Cremer, J., Awada, G., Schembri, A., Theuns, P., De Ridder, M., & Neyns, B. (2020). Health-related quality of life, emotional burden, and neurocognitive function in the first generation of metastatic melanoma survivors treated with pembrolizumab: a longitudinal pilot study. Supportive care in cancer, 28, 3267-3278. doi:10.1007/s00520-019-05168-3
  10. 37. Leys, C., Kotsou, I., Arnal Bacalao, C., Van Hecke, E., & Fossion, P. (2020). Pre-eminence of parental conflicts over parental divorce regarding the evolution of depressive and anxiety symptoms among children during adulthood. European journal of trauma & dissociation, 4(1), 100102.
  11. 38. Rogiers, A., Leys, C., Lauwyck, J., Schembri, A., Awada, G., Schwarze, J. K., De Cremer, J., Theuns, P., Maruff, P., De Ridder, M., Bernheim, J., & Neyns, B. (2020). Neurocognitive Function, Psychosocial Outcome, and Health-Related Quality of Life of the First-Generation Metastatic Melanoma Survivors Treated with Ipilimumab. Journal of Immunology Research, 2020, 2192480. doi:10.1155/2020/2192480
  12. 39. Leys, C., Arnal Bacalao, C., Wollast, R., Rolin, H., Kotsou, I., & Fossion, P. (2020). Perspective on resilience: Personality trait or skill? European journal of trauma & dissociation, 4(2), 100074.

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