Peer-reviewed journal articles (77)

  1. 4. Leys, C., Fossion, P., Ardaya Velarde, S., Miller, S., & Kotsou, I. (2024). The effects of the intergenerational transmission of the Holocaust trauma on family functioning, resilience, anxiety and depression: A case-control study. European journal of trauma & dissociation, 8, 100394, 1-6.
  2. 5. Cécillon, F.-X., Mermillod, M., Leys, C., Bastin, H., Lachaux, J. P., & Shankland, R. R. (2024). The Reflective Mind of the Anxious in Action: Metacognitive Beliefs and Maladaptive Emotional Regulation Strategies Constrain Working Memory Efficiency. European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education, 14(3), 505-530. doi:10.3390/ejihpe14030034
  3. 6. Vanderijst, L., Hever, F., Buot, A., Dauré, C., Benoit, J., Hanak, C., Veeser, J., Morgiève, M., Campanella, S., Kornreich, C., Mallet, L., Leys, C., & Noël, X. (2024). Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Severe Alcohol Use Disorder: Protocol for a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, 7-month Parallel-Group Phase II Superiority Trial. BMC psychiatry, 24(1), 1-15.
  4. 7. Robert, M., Allès, B., Gisch, U. U., Shankland, R. R., Touvier, M., Leys, C., & Péneau, S. (2024). Cross-sectional and longitudinal association between self-esteem and BMI depends on baseline BMI category in a population-based study. BMC public health, 24(1), 1-11.
  5. 8. Cécillon, F.-X., Mermillod, M., Leys, C., Jean-Philippe, L., Sarah, L. V., & Shankland, R. R. (2024). Trait Anxiety, Emotion Regulation Strategies, and Metacognitive Beliefs: Their Influence on Executive Functions and Academic Achievement. Children, 11(1), 123.
  6. 9. Cécillon, F.-X., Mermillod, M., Leys, C., Lachaux, J. P., Le Vigouroux, S., & Shankland, R. R. (2024). Trait Anxiety, Emotion Regulation, and Metacognitive Beliefs: An Observational Study Incorporating Separate Network and Correlation Analyses to Examine Associations with Executive Functions and Academic Achievement. Children, 11(1), 123. doi:10.3390/children11010123
  7. 10. Duplat, J., Kotsou, I., & Leys, C. (2023). Mesure des effets de la marche en pleine conscience sur le bien-être. Annales médico-psychologiques. doi:10.1016/j.amp.2021.12.009
  8. 11. Paucsik, M., Nardelli, C., Bortolon, C., Shankland, R. R., Leys, C., & Baeyens, C. (2023). Self-compassion and emotion regulation: testing a mediation model. Cognition and emotion, 37(1), 49-61.
  9. 12. Urbanowicz, A. M., Shankland, R. R., Rance, J., Bennett, P., Leys, C., & Gauchet, A. (2023). Cognitive behavioral stress management for parents: Prevention and reduction of parental burnout. International journal of clinical and health psychology, 23(4), 100365. doi:10.1016/j.ijchp.2023.100365
  10. 13. Hagège, H., El Ourmi, M., Shankland, R. R., Arboix-Calas, F., Leys, C., & Lubart, T. (2023). Ethics and Meditation: A New Educational Combination to Boost Creativity and Sense of Responsibility. Journal of intelligence, 11(155), 1-19.
  11. 14. Hagège, H., Ourmi, M. E., Shankland, R. R., Arboix-Calas, F., Leys, C., & Lubart, T. (2023). Ethics and Meditation: A New Educational Combination to Boost Verbal Creativity and Sense of Responsibility. Journal of intelligence, 11(8), 155. doi:10.3390/jintelligence11080155
  12. 15. Kotsou, I., & Leys, C. (2023). (En) Pleine conscience: Revue critique du concept. HEGEL, 13(2), 7.

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