Peer-reviewed journal articles (183)

  1. 1. Basheer, N., Buée, L., Brion, J. P., Smolek, T., Muhammadi, M. K., Hritz, J., Hromadka, T., Dewachter, I., Wegmann, S., Landrieu, I., Novak, P., Mudher, A., & Zilka, N. (2024). Shaping the future of preclinical development of successful disease-modifying drugs against Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review of tau propagation models. Acta neuropathologica communications, 12(1), 52. doi:10.1186/s40478-024-01748-5
  2. 2. Gilloteaux, J., De Swert, K., Suain, V., Brion, J. P., & Nicaise, C. (2023). Loss of Ephaptic Contacts in the Murine Thalamus during Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome. Ultrastructural pathology, 47(5), 398-423. doi:10.1080/01913123.2023.2232452
  3. 3. Ando, K., Nagaraj, S., Küçükali, F., De Fisenne, M.-A., Kosa, A.-C., Doeraene, E., López Gutiérrez, L., Brion, J. P., & Leroy, K. (2022). PICALM and Alzheimer’s Disease: An Update and Perspectives. Cells, 11(24), 3994. doi:10.3390/cells11243994
  4. 4. De Fisenne, M.-A., Yilmaz, Z., De Decker, R., Suain, V., Buée, L., Ando, K., Brion, J. P., & Leroy, K. (2022). Alzheimer PHF-tau aggregates do not spread tau pathology to the brain via the Retino-tectal projection after intraocular injection in male mouse models. Neurobiology of disease, 174, 105875. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2022.105875
  5. 5. Sáez-Orellana, F., Leroy, T., Ribeiro, F., Kreisler, A., Leroy, K., Lalloyer, F., Baugé, E., Staels, B., Duyckaerts, C., Brion, J. P., Gailly, P., Octave, J. N., & Pierrot, N. (2021). Regulation of PPARα by APP in Alzheimer disease affects the pharmacological modulation of synaptic activity. JCI insight, 6(16). doi:10.1172/jci.insight.150099
  6. 6. Sexton, C., Snyder, H., Beher, D., Boxer, A. A., Brannelly, P., Brion, J. P., Buée, L., Cacace, A. A., Chételat, G., Citron, M., DeVos, S. L., Diaz, K., Feldman, H. H., Frost, B., Goate, A. A., Gold, M., Hyman, B., Johnson, M. K., Karch, C. M., Kerwin, D. D., Koroshetz, W. W., Litvan, I., Morris, H. R., Mummery, C. C., Mutamba, J., Patterson, M. M., Quiroz, Y. Y., Rabinovici, G. D., Rommel, A., Shulman, M. M., Toledo-Sherman, L. L., Weninger, S., Wildsmith, K. K., Worley, S. S., & Carrillo, M. M. (2021). Current directions in tau research: Highlights from Tau 2020. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 18, 988-1007. doi:10.1002/alz.12452
  7. 7. Gilloteaux, J., Bouchat, J., Bielarz, V., Brion, J. P., & Nicaise, C. (2021). A primary cilium in oligodendrocytes: a fine structure signal of repairs in thalamic Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (ODS). Ultrastructural pathology, 45(2), 128-157. doi:10.1080/01913123.2021.1891161
  8. 8. Ando, K., Erneux, C., Homa, M., Houben, S., De Fisenne, M.-A., Brion, J. P., & Leroy, K. (2021). Dysregulation of Phosphoinositide 5-Phosphatases and Phosphoinositides in Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 614855. doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.614855
  9. 9. Houben, S., Homa, M., Yilmaz, Z., Leroy, K., Brion, J. P., & Ando, K. (2021). Tau Pathology and Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis: What Tau Mouse Models Tell us? Frontiers in neurology, 12, 610330. doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.610330
  10. 10. Gilloteaux, J., Bouchat, J., Brion, J. P., & Nicaise, C. (2020). The osmotic demyelination syndrome: the resilience of thalamic neurons is verified with transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural pathology, 44(4-6), 450-480. doi:10.1080/01913123.2020.1853865
  11. 11. Houben, S., De Fisenne, M.-A., Ando, K., Vanden Dries, V., Poncelet, L., Yilmaz, Z., Mansour, S., De Decker, R., Brion, J. P., & Leroy, K. (2020). Intravenous injection of PHF-Tau proteins from Alzheimer Brain exacerbates neuroinflammation, Amyloid beta, and tau pathologies in 5XFAD transgenic mice. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 13, 10.3389/fnmol.2020.00106, 106.
  12. 12. Ando, K., Ferlini, L., Suain, V., Yilmaz, Z., Mansour, S., Le Ber, I., Bouchard, C., Leroy, K., Durr, A., Clot, F., Sarazin, M., Bier, J. C., & Brion, J. P. (2020). de novo MAPT mutation G335A causes severe brain atrophy, 3R and 4R PHF-tau pathology and early onset frontotemporal dementia. Acta neuropathologica communications, 8(1), 94. doi:10.1186/s40478-020-00977-8

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