Active participation in international conferences and symposiums (60)

  1. 48. Ando, K., Brion, J. P., Potier, M.-C., & Duyckaerts, C. (2015). Importance pour la recherche fondamentale de l’analyse des tissus des patients affectés par la maladie d’Alzheimer. Paper session presented at Politiques publiques et recherche Alzheimer : influences et enjeux réciproques. (2015-05-21: Paris, France).
  2. 49. Brion, J. P., Audouard, E., Masaracchia, C., Leroy, K., Houben, S., Boom, A., & Ando, K. (2015). Propagation of tau pathology by alzheimer PHF: seeding of tau isoforms in wild-type mouse and in cells. Paper session presented at International conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases (ADPD 2015) (12: 18-22 March 2015: Nice, France).
  3. 50. Leroy, K., Ando, K., Heraud, C., & Brion, J. P. (2015). Plaques amyloïdes et pathologie tau : modélisation de leur interaction dans des modèles murins développant les lésions de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Morphologie. Vol. 99 (pp. 97-98) Abstract session presented at 97e Congrès de l'Association des morphologistes(29-31 janvier 2015: Bruxelles). doi:10.1016/j.morpho.2015.07.065
  4. 51. Ando, K., Brion, J. P., Stygelbout, V., Tomimura, K., Suain, V., Authelet, M., De Decker, R., Chanut, A., Belkouch, M., Lacor, P., Lavaur, J., Sazdovitch, V., Rogaeva, E., Potier, M.-C., & Duyckaerts, C. (2014). Alzheimer risk factor, PICALM is involved in tau pathology in Alzheimer and other tauopathies. Paper session presented at AAIC - Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2014 (12-17 July 2014: Copenhagen, Denmark).
  5. 52. Ando, K., Brion, J. P., Stygelbout, V., Suain, V., Authelet, M., De Decker, R., Chanut, A., Lacor, P., Lavaur, J., Sazdovitch, V., Rogaeva, E., Potier, M.-C., & Duyckaerts, C. (2013). Clathrin adaptor CALM/PICALM is associated with neurofibrillary tangles and is cleaved in Alzheimer's brains. Paper session presented at Rencontres Scientifiques et cliniques (Fondation Plan Alzheimer). (2: 27 June 2013: Paris, France).
  6. 53. Ando, K., Brion, J. P., Stygelbout, V., Suain, V., Authelet, M., De Decker, R., Chanut, A., Lacor, P., Lavaur, J., Sazdovitch, V., Rogaeva, E., Potier, M.-C., & Duyckaerts, C. (2013). Clathrin adaptor CALM/PICALM is associated with neurofibrillary tangles and is cleaved in Alzheimer's brains. Paper session presented at Société Française de Neuropathologie. (24 May 2013: Lille, France.).
  7. 54. Gaspard, N., Fery, P., Slama, H., Kavec, M., Brion, J. P., & Bier, J. C. (2010). Semantic dementia and motor neuron disease: clinico-pathological correlation. Poster session presented at American Academy of Neurology (Avril 2010: Toronto).
  8. 55. Ando, K., Leroy, K., Heraud, C., Kabova, A., Yilmaz, Z., Authelet, M., Suain, V., De Decker, R., & Brion, J. P. (2010). Deletion of murine tau gene increases tau aggregation in a human mutant tau transgenic mouse model. Paper session presented at The biology and pathology of Tau and its role in tauopathies Biochemical society conference, (1: 7-8 January 2010: Cambridge, UK.).
  9. 56. Ando, K., Leroy, K., Heraud, C., Kabova, A., Yilmaz, Z., Authelet, M., Suain, V., De Decker, R., & Brion, J. P. (2009). Annual Scientific IAP P6/43 Meeting. Paper session presented at Annual Scientific IAP P6/43 Meeting (26 October 2009: Brussels, Belgium).
  10. 57. Vuckovic, A., Rondelet, B., Van Beneden, R., Remmelink, M., Brion, J. P., & Naeije, R. (2006). Expression of vasoactive intestinal peptide and related receptors in overcirculation-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets. [poster]. The European respiratory journal,(28(Suppl 50)), 3830.
  11. 58. Brion, J. P., Flament Durand, J., & Dustin, P. (1985). Microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in Alzheimer's disease. Poster session presented at 3rd International symposium on microtubules and microtubule inhibitors (September 5-9, 1985: Beerse (Belgium)).
  12. 59. Flament Durand, J., & Brion, J. P. (1985). Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease. In Pathology Research and Practice: Vol. 180 (p. 267) Stuttgart, New York: Grundmann, E.

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