Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (43)

  1. 31. Brion, J. P., Cheetham, M., Coleman, M., Dale, G., Gallo, J. M., Probst, A., Smith, D., & Anderton, B. (1989). Molecular and cellular changes associated with neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. In K. Maurer, P. Riederer, & H. Beckmann (Eds.), Alzheimer's disease: Epidemiology, Neuropathology, Neurochemistry, Clinics. (Key Topics in Brain Research). Springer Verlag.
  2. 32. Delaère, P., Duyckaerts, C., Brion, J. P., Piette, F., & Hauw, J.-J. (1989). Relationship between tau, paired helical filaments, amyloid and the intellectual deterioration in the neocortex in normal aging and in senile demetia of the Alzheimer type. In F. Boller, R. Katzmann, A. Rascol, J. L. Signoret, & Y. Christen (Eds.), Biological Markers of Alzheimer's disease. (pp. 73-82). (Research and Perspectives in Alzheimer disease). Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
  3. 33. Nunez, J., Couchie, D., Brion, J. P., & Guilleminot, J. (1988). Microtubules and neuronal morphological differentiation. In B. A. F. Rousset (Ed.), Structure and Function of the Cytoskeleton.: Vol. 171 (pp. 203-213) John Libbey Eurotext Ltd.
  4. 34. Anderton, B., Brion, J. P., Cheetham, M. M., Dale, G. E., Hue, D., Leigh, N., & Power, D. M. D. (1988). Pathology of the cytoskeleton in Alzheimer's and related diseases. In Structure and Function of the Cytoskeleton (pp. 215-224) London, UK: John Libbey Eurotext Ltd.
  5. 35. Anderton, B., Miller, C., Haugh, M., Brion, J. P., Flament Durand, J., Probst, A., Ulrich, J., & Kahn, J. (1987). Biochemical and immunochemical studies on Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles. In S. Tucek (Ed.), Metabolism and Development of the Nervous System (pp. 189-192) Prague: Academia.
  6. 36. Nunez, J., Couchie, D., Brion, J. P., & Tardy, M. (1987). Expression of juvenile and adult tau proteins during neuronal differenciation. In R. B. Maccioni & J. Arechega (Eds.), The cytoskeleton in cell differenciation and development (pp. 193-198) Washington DC, USA: IRL Press.
  7. 37. Kahn, J., Anderton, B., Brion, J. P., Cowell, I., Dale, G., Kilford, L., Marsden, C. D., Parke, J., & Robinson, J. P. (1987). Immunocytochemical staining of Lewy bodies with antibodies to cytoskeleton proteins. In S. Fahn, C. D. Marsden, D. Calne, & M. Goldstein (Eds.), Recent developments in Parkinson's disease: Vol. 2 (pp. 15-23) Florham Park, NJ, USA: Macmillan Healthcare Information.
  8. 38. Anderton, B., Brion, J. P., Flament Durand, J., Haugh, M., Kahn, J., Miller, C., Probst, A., & Ulrich, J. (1986). Changes in the neuronal cytoskeleton in aging and disease. In M. Bergener, M. Ermini, & N. B. Stähelin (Eds.), Dimensions in Aging. (pp. 69-89) London, UK: Academic Press.
  9. 39. van den Bosch de Aguilar, P., Knoops, B., Heuschling, P., Flament Durand, J., Brion, J. P., Hoyer, S., & Frolich, L. (1986). Morphological aspects of rat brain after intracerebral administration of Alzheimer brain homogenates. In Modern Trends in Aging Research: Vol. 147 (pp. 533-540) John Libbey Eurotex Ltd.
  10. 40. Brion, J. P., Passareiro, H., & Flament Durand, J. (1986). Neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease.: Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study. In P. Vezzadi, A. Facchini, & G. Labo (Eds.), Neuroendocrine System and Aging. (pp. 229-244) Rijswijk, The Netherlands: Eurage Publication.
  11. 41. Anderton, B., Brion, J. P., Flament Durand, J., Haugh, M., Kahn, J., Miller, C., Probst, A., & Ulrich, J. (1986). The neuronal cytoskeleton and neurofibrillary tangles. In M. Briley, A. Kato, & M. Weber (Eds.), New Concepts in Alzheimer's Disease. (pp. 35-52) Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan Press.
  12. 42. Brion, J. P., van den Bosch de Aguilar, P., & Flament Durand, J. (1985). Senile dementia of the Alzheimer type: Morphological and Immunocytochemical Studies. In J. Traber & W. Gispen (Eds.), Advances in Applied Neurological Sciences: Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer type. Early diagnosis.: Vol. 2 (pp. 164-174) Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.

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